World Hepatitis Day – 28 July

World Hepatitis Day takes place every year on the 28th of July. The initiative aims to raise global awareness of hepatitis — a group of infectious diseases known as Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E — and encourage prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

Hepatitis refers to an inflammatory condition of the liver. Hepatitis viruses are the most common cause but illness could also result from drug use, alcohol use, or certain medical conditions

According to the World Health Organisation, viral hepatitis B and C affect 325 million people worldwide, causing 1.4 million deaths a year. Hepatitis is preventable, treatable, and in the case of hepatitis C, curable. However, over 80% of people living with hepatitis are lacking prevention, testing and treatment services.

Although a diagnosis can be daunting and managing the treatment programme intimidating, you should not overlook seeking help. Various treatment plans depending on the diagnosis are available and most medical aid schemes provide cover for Hepatitis B and C.

Navigating the complex scope of what medical aid companies cover can be a challenge. Allow Glopin Healthcare Consultants to guide you on the details of your medical aid, so you can focus on your health.
